
Interswitch Energy

Digitize your Oil and Gas business for growth

Interswitch Energy puts you firmly in control of your business, digitizing all operations and engagements with key customer segments, and optimizing every aspect of managing a profitable oil and gas business.
By digitizing operations across all your retail outlets, Interswitch Energy empowers you with a transparent central system that provides the following:

Interswitch Lending & Data Services:

Quick loans delivered in minutes leveraging individual credit history.

Making lending profitable for you

Loans can be a huge source of income, but they can also be a huge potential trap, beguiled by highly impactful issues such as;
Interswitch, backed with access to the relevant information and connections is positioned to solve these problems and making lending profitable for you again.

Interswitch Smart Health

Improve your patients experience, upgrade to Interswitch Smart Health

Interswitch Smart Health is a core back-end health ecosystem and processing platform with modules that ease interactions between all stakeholders; healthcare providers, Health Insurance providers, corporate partners, and subscribers, therefore simplifying health care delivery, making it more effective and efficient.